How can I prevent my home from being damaged in a flood?
Those who live in flood zones throughout New York City may have a hard time getting certain forms of insurance because they are considered high risk for flooding damage. If you live in a flood zone, it is important that you take the necessary precautions that can make or break the outcome of your home when a bad storm rolls in. The process of taking precautions to protect your home is known as retrofitting. Flooding can devastate a home and be especially costly for those who do not have the proper insurance to cover them during this time.
One of the most common ways for a person to protect their home from flooding is by raising it so it is on stilts. It is best to make sure the lowest level of your home is above the regulated flood level. You should make sure that you floodproof your home by sealing the foundation. If possible, you may want to consider building a floodwall or even a levee around your home.
Taking certain precautions to make sure your home is further protected in a flood can actually work towards making your home more insurable and can assist you if you have had a hard time obtaining flood insurance. If you have questions about what types of insurance may be best for your home, contact an experienced insurance law attorney today.
The Law Office of Craig A. Blumberg is an experienced New York City insurance law firm. If you require quality assistance after having suffered property loss, please contact our firm to schedule a free initial consultation.