Commercial Flood Damage Claims

NY Commercial Flood Insurance Claim Denial Attorney

file0001140363225Representing clients after flood damage or destruction

Flood or water damage has the potential to devastate a business. When property is damaged by water, there is a complicated matter at hand. Standard insurance policies do not cover flood damage and this is a serious situation for many who need to recover quickly after a catastrophe. When one’s livelihood depends on a swift and easy recovery, it may be in their best interests to have an attorney that can guide them through the necessary protection and represent them when claims must be filed. If you need quality legal support from an experienced attorney, contact The Law Office of Craig A. Blumberg P.C. for a consultation.

Standard insurance policies

It is important to note that flood and water damage is often not covered in a standard property insurance policy. There are some exceptions, including wind-driven rain and water that damages a property through an intrusion such as a broken window or a faulty roof. An insurance company will often blame the loss on a flood or water damage, not covered under the policy. When a business depends on a complete recovery, it may be best to have flood insurance.

Flood insurance

If you are the owner of a property located in a flood zone and have a federally-backed mortgage, you are required to get flood insurance. Others are not mandated, but purchasing flood insurance may be a good way to protect a business from a devastating water event. Flood insurance can help a business recover after damage to the building and its content. This coverage usually does not cover damage to property outside of the building, including vehicles. When flood or water damage stops a business from functioning, the owner should have business interruption insurance in place to bridge the gap between devastation and a full recovery.

Business interruption insurance

If a business needs to close its doors after a catastrophe, business interruption insurance can protect a company from permanent closure. A business interruption policy can cover income loss during and after a forced shutdown. In addition, these policies can help a business pay its regular bills and bills for a temporary or permanent move. When purchasing this insurance or need to file a claim, consult with an experienced law firm.

Contact our firm

The Law Office of Craig A. Blumberg P.C. understands what a business owner faces when flood or water damage shuts a company’s doors. If your business is devastated by flood or water damage, you have a lot to consider about your rights and future. If you are interested in pursuing the protection you need or have a claim that has been disputed by an insurance company, contact The Law Office of Craig A. Blumberg P.C. for a consultation today.